Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas In Valdez
It was so enjoyable to have proper time with my family during the holidays. There is no ministry more important than the one I have to my family and I only get to raise them once.
Of course our family is loving the new member whose name is Titus. I am so happy to have a house big enough that I can not only have an inside dog but a big inside dog. I am looking forward to the walks we will have together and the car rides, etc.
We are really loving living in the Valdez area. The people here are just wonderful. We are now beginning to meet people from other churches and are having times of fellowship with them. I have never enjoyed a place more than I have here. Not that other places of ministry were bad or the people were bad, there is just no other way to describe it but that this place is just different and we love it. I pray that we can make this a place a ministry for 20 or 30 years and build a ministry that will make an impact on this town.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snowmachining in Alaska
Man I had the time if my life today as I went Snowmachining in the wide open country of Alaska. Unfortunately, I only had my cell phone with me as I needed to have a good camera to take the breathtaking shots. But my camera would have to suffice. Enjoy the views of the wide open.
This was the most beautiful view I have ever seen. We were a good ways up with valley below and mountains behind.
It was fun going wide open up this hill. All of the clear area is where the pipe line runs. It is all underneath in this region which makes good trails for snow machines to go on.
The area below is a river area that we were having to find a good way across without busting through the river ice. You learn to pucker every where you can hoping that you do not hit a thin area.
That was some of the best fun I have had in a long time. Ministry was designed to be a time to spend time with people and ministering to their needs. I can do ministry like this all the time.
Jesus spend his time with people and occasionally withdrew himself to be alone. We have ministry today backwards. Modern day ministry is done in the 4 walls of the church. We spend more time in meetings and planning sessions than doing real ministry. We talk more about what we are going to do rather than doing it. What Jesus say if he were here on earth today about the modern day minister and how he tends to his flock? It is a good question to ask and do some serious reflection on.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fun Day At The Watertower
Saturday, I took Victoria and Brittany to the town Water tower, which is the place most people go to do simple snow boarding and sledding. It was lots of fun spending time with them and sledding down myself.
But I have to say there is nothing worse than a snow wedgie. Boy that is a cold feeling but it sure was fun.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow
Boy it is fun to use a snow blower. It gives you a sense of power as you attack the mean nasty snow. ARGH ARGH ARGH.
The great thing is that after you are all said and done, it looks like you didn't get anything accomplished. So the next best thing is to do the following.
Anyway. We are really enjoying the beauty of it all and the Lord has been so good to us.